On Saturday, July 16, 2016 11:17:10 AM EDT Robert Edge wrote:
There is no actual analog volume control on the
1010LT's RCA inputs, it's
just doing multiplication on the captured signal after the ADC.
What - did I read that right?
This card definitely has analog volume input control.
The 'Analog Volume' mixer tabs in Envy24 or Mudita24 control it.
If you are
clipping the input turning the volume down in the software interface just
gives you a scaled down version of the clipped signal.
It is better to monitor the actual numbers coming off of the ADC chip.
That way 0 dbFS on your meter in Ardour or whatever is actually 0dbFS at
the ADC.
In Envy24 control that means setting the 'analog volume' slider to 127,
that's where you are actually seeing what's coming off the chip. Above
that and the captured signal is being scaled up and below that the captured
signal is being scaled down. Control your input level in the analog world
before you hit the card. Shoot for peaks around -12dbFS.
Also: there are jumpers on the card itself, you can use the XLR inputs as
line level balanced ins. In my experience that's the best fidelity you can
get with this card.
BTW About the jumpers that control input level: There are undocumented
'in-between' jumper settings for the input level. (The jumpers just switch
various resistors in or out.)
I discovered the settings and was forced to use them when the existing
choices of levels were not quite enough for me.
(been using a 1010LT on Linux since 2006 or so...)