Friday 14 May 2004 21.21 skrev Austin Acton:
Erik Steffl wrote:
not long ago there was a a link to 2.6 kernel
song posted here (when
the kernel was released),, it says
page not found now...
Umm, I could repost that if someone really wants it, but I took it down
cuz people were actually takinig it as a serious attempt at a song.
But since we're on topic, I'd love to know if there are any other
linux-related songs. I'd post a list on my site.
I wish I could say there was.
If anyone remembers I tried to start a contest just before christmas last year
to make the "official" 2.6 release song (inspired by Austins fine attempt),
but response wasn't very much. And to top it of I didn't even manage to put
together my own song :-/.
It's still there on my personal todo list though. I still like the contest
idea also, publicity generator, but we need contestants (is that a word?).