On Friday 06 January 2006 19:54, Lee Revell wrote:
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 19:20 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
On Friday 06 January 2006 17:16, Tim Howard
>>> Any other ideas?
>> Just to verify: you loaded a valid soundfont into the wavetable
>> synth, and you're sure you're sending the MIDI command sequence to
>> the wavetable synth?
> I have loaded the same soundfont that I use under Windoze, and all
> the instruments show up in Rosegarden... But still no sound.
OK, I did a "cat /proc/asound/card0/wavetableD1" and discovered that
the soundfont wasn't actually loading! I hadn't installed the package
containing sfxload, so my call to it was failing, and I didn't realize
it... Bingo, now it works!
> It's
> probably something ridiculously simple, since I'm new to this...
S'ok. You're right that it usually is something simple, but it
never seems that way until *after* the problem is solved, when
it's easy to call it that!
<g> Yep, it was ridiculously simple... Thanks for the help!
Hi Tim. Could you verify something? I only use my Audigy2 soundcard, and
have the onboard card disabled with the jumpers on the MOBO. Do you still
have your onboard card enabled? If so, and you're now able to play midi
files, the fact that Laura still has her onboard card enabled, has
nothing to do with her inability to play midi files.
Glad you got yours working. Nigel.
Don't use sfxload use asfxload.
Hi Lee. I'm not trying to wind you up. FC1.2.and 3 only have binaries for
sfxload after installing awesfx in /bin. I have iso's for FC4 but am looking
for harddrive space for it, but don't expect to see any difference. Debian
Sarge does have binaries for asfxload, and sfxload, so no problem there.
Slackware 10.0 (and I know thats a bit ancient) has both asfxload, and
sfxload, but asfxload refuses to load the soundfont, whereas sfxload does. I
havn't tried Gentoo, just got a bit fedup in booting up distro's. Tell me
please. Just what is the difference. If i load a sounfont using sfxload, then
play a midi file. Is this midi file taking a different path to my speakers,
than if I'd loaded the soundfont using asfxload. I'm almost 100% Alsa, apart
from one FC1 install thats still using OSS, but thats just for email,
webbrowsing, and a bit of Internet radio live audio streams. I'm all for
Alsa, and if awesfx on FC1,2 and 3 had the asfxload binary I would be using
it. This appears to be a distro thing, rather than an Alsa problem, but as
far as I'm concerned, as long as I can load soundfonts, whether it's by
sfxload, or asfxload, I don't care, as long as I can use midi files I will
continue to suggest using sfxload, because at least I know this works, and
whats the point of suggesting asfxload if the binary doesn't exist on your
distro. Nigel (trying not to cause any offence)