On Friday 17 April 2015 08:45:19 Athanasios Silis wrote:
hi there,
which distro are you using.
if you're using ubuntu* then the fact that it asks for X is related to
you using the jack-dbus. compile a jack version without dbus support
and you'll be fine.
also the guys are jack-devel mail list have been more than helpful.
apparently to get elevated permission while rc.local is executed you
need to uncomment in /etc/pam.d/su
session required pam_limits.so
but generally speaking, rc.local is a BAD way to do boot startups in
ubuntu* and this is because ubuntu* set device permissions based on
the *logged
in* user.
It is advised to use the autostart utilities of you desktop
environment, which is what I will do now.
Is there a manpage on this desktop autostart? It sounds as if it could
alleviate some of the stuff I have to do manually after a reboot, stuff
that does need x when it starts.
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Ede Wolf <listac(a)nebelschwaden.de>
> Great you've asked, I am having the same
problem. "su - user" does
> not work, but logging in as user and run the same command does.
> Happens with both, jack and jack2. With jack2 I am also getting an
> error that it can't open X, wenn run from command line. But that
> maybe an issue specific to the jack2 version of arch, as there is no
> reason why jackd should need a display.
> Am 17.04.2015 um 11:40 schrieb Athanasios Silis:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to run jackd instance from /etc/rc.local (along with a
>> few other applications) from a custom made init script.
>> The system is ubuntustudio and I have setup everything to have
>> elevated permissions when executing applications from the @audio
>> group.
>> so when I am logged on, I see this:
>> nass@starkill:~$ ulimit -r -l
>> real-time priority (-r) 95
>> max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
>> which is expected and I can execute the script I wrote.
>> but, when I execute my script from /etc/rc.local as
>> su - nass -c "ulimits -r -l cd audio_setup/scripts ; bash
>> ./start_audio" then my user does not (yet?) have elevated
>> permissions.
>> real-time priority (-r) 0
>> max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
>> is there a script I can run before my start_audio script to elevate
>> my permissions?
>> thank you
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