you know I tried this version, and I couldn't get it
to compile on either my ppc laptop or my intel
desktop. Hmm. I also talked with the guy who's in
charge of that website, and he said that it was no
longer being maintained. It's also a few versions
behind the "official" version. I did get iCsound to
compile and it seems to be working so we'll see how
that looks. But I'd be interested in seeing what other
people think.
--- Brian Redfern <bredfern(a)> wrote:
The unofficial csound,
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Art Moore wrote:
Is anyone using Csound for Linux. There seems to
be an
awful lot of different versions around, iCsound,
several unofficial versions and then the "official
version". What are people using? I'm building
now, but being new to the Csound world, I wonder
if I
need to be starting with something else. If
isn't complete, what should I be using?
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