On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 09:04:28AM -0400, Paul Davis
i have absolutely nothing personal against the
debian JACK packager, but
words cannot begin to express the appalling state of affairs that the
misguided addition of -VERSION to the JACK library name has caused for
Debian users of JACK, along with most Ubuntu and other
derived-distributions. i would say we see at least 1-2 people per week
on the #ardour IRC channel who face the problem caused by this decision.
Even though it has been fixed now, its effects will linger on for at
least another year, perhaps even more. its a very frustrating thing for
me as a JACK developer to see different people bumping into this over
and over again, a situation that makes it appear that JACK has design
problems when all it really suffers from is a package design error.
I am very glad it has been fixed!
Would recommending that people upgrade to sid solve this problem?