Emanuel Rumpf wrote:
2011/6/27 Marco Asa <aesir.ml(a)gmail.com>om>:
The gigatron link on
linuxsampler.org doesn't work anymore, Is still
possible to find it somewhere on the internet?
Thanks in advance for the help.
I found these links in the original announce:
A new mirror would be good, just in case any domain goes down.
The RMM link is to another licensed use of some of the original samples.
The leisureland links is to most of the source samples used in the
Gigatron, but not the actual Giga file.
I think the LS site has had problems with its servers recently, I'm sure
they'll get everything back up and running soon. It looks like it's the
large files which are affected -- the Maestro Grand is also a dead link.