I very much enjoyed Manivelle.ogg. It's well recorded and nicely mixed.
I'll check for more later.
On 9/15/06, Lilli Chiffon <lilli.chiffon(a)free.fr> wrote:
Hello the list
I started my personal website to show my work, it's my first time. There
are pictures, movie, lyrics and music !
Of course i done under linux, unfortunately the music is made under
W?@"!$ except two or three tunes made on analogic sytem and mixed on debian.
There are teaser in .mp3 but full songs in .ogg.
Tell me your opinions and your advice (include the rendering on your
browserand your screen).
Here's the link :
And for the music :
This work is still in progress.
Thank by advance.
P'tit Louis