On Fri, 2014-09-05 at 00:03 +0545, Kazakore wrote:
Anyway I really must go to sleep now! I thought I was
about to turn off
the light around 2-3 hours ago! ;-)
That does excuse your rough tone of voice ;).
I'm aware about the latency issue for a very long time and I reported
the issue a very long time ago. Not in dependency with NSM. Qtactor in
the beginning had no latency compensation, the "in so many ways strange"
latency compensation was a step in the right direction ;), but it's far
away from being satisfying. When Rui want's to focus options that are
more important for him it's ok. I noticed the NSM ./. Qtractor thingy
now and I pointed it out. Again, I don't use or test session mangers,
I'm using scripts, with total contentment.
I noticed the NSM thread, but again, I'm a session script guy, I wasn't
lamenting, I just tried to point out an issue.
Sleep tight :). (not ironical, I'm serious)