On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Atte Andre
Jensen<atte.jensen(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Actually this (a live daw) might be the largest
blind angle in linux
audio, and as others I survive with good-enough home brewed stuff (mine
is done in chuck, I imagine most use pd or supercollider). Mine is
working ok, getting more and more polished, but still only does what I
need the most (although some of that is outside the scope of live, like
algorithmic improvisations guided by user input).
I think it's pretty safe to say that having AL-like features (MIDI
friendly, elastic audio) would be the "killer app" for Linux audio. I
really can't think of anything else that Linux audio *can't* do.
Hell, we've conquered the VST issue, synthesis, midi, algorithmic
music programming, patch-type programming...is there really anything
else? (well, yea, there is, but you see my point...)
The bigger question is, how do people like myself who cannot code
assist in making this happen? I'm certainly willing to pay money and
encourage others to do the same, however I would like to know that my
money is going towards something specific that I want.
Any suggestions?
Install hydrogen dev version and terminatorx. Compare them to AL and
make a list of the features that are missing. Ask nicely for developers
to implement the features or offer a bounty.
I once looked at what would need to be done to tX to get it to perform
like AL and the only thing missing in terms of interface was a sample
grid the could be used to trigger the samples. Most of the
infrastructure is in place already.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd