Grammostola Rosea schrieb:
sh0099 wrote:
Grammostola Rosea schrieb:
How to choose a audio synthesis environment? Why and when Pd,
graphical programming
You can use pd with csound right? Is it also possible with pd and
supercollider? and with chuck?
i don't know what is possible with pd and csound in supercollider it is
not really intended to use with csound.
And what about the sounds you can make with? Is there
a difference
between them?
i personally would say that the sound is the same ... but there are
always some esoteric around.
one point is that it is not that easy to setup a multiphonic synth in pd.
What kind of musicians use the different environments?
*I know you can do video art with pd and gem. What about the other
environments? Can you make video art with them?
currently there is no video suport in sc and csound and i don't think in
somebody is writing a Supercollider supported OpenGL-server but this is
not finished now.