rosea grammostola wrote:
andersvi(a) wrote:
>>>> "r" == rosea grammostola <rosea.grammostola(a)>
r> Is it possible to use SC with Jack Transport?
Rohan Drape's jack.osc presents Jack's transport messages as
osc-messages to an udp-port:
Thanks. All though it's hard for me to get a clear picture about what
an udp-port actually is and how that works. Let's see what google can
tell me about it...
The problem is that Ardour can't use looping when using
JAck Transport.
So if want to use looping in Ardour you have to do it internal afaik.
This can be done, but how to start non-sequencer and ardour at the same
time if ardour isn't set to Jack Transport. Is there something possible
via osc and/or jack.osc, to make this possible?