Thanks! Unfortunately, the final product uses no linux software. The
gentleman kind enough to help us out with producing this record is a Logic
user under Windows. However, I do make demos for my bandmates using
Hydrogen, Guitarix, and Ardour. I hope that we can eventually be produced
with all FOSS. Trouble is finding good engineers who are Linux users.
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Thijs van severen <
thijsvanseveren(a)> wrote:
very nice, thumbs up !
i like that -although there is a lot going on in the songs- it never
sounds overloaded or tiring
100% linux production ?
2012/8/13 Kris Calabio <kriscalabio(a)>
I made a thread in the past asking about Creative
Commons because my band
was interested in the license. The album is now out! We went with
Creative Commons BY-SA. Check it out. "Little Street of Happiness" by
Platypus Egg. Heavily influenced by genre shifters like Mr. Bungle, Ween,
and the Beatles
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