Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey(a)> ha scritto:
Do you have a recent libsndfile (>1.0) installed in
/usr/bin. I have
trouble even if I install libsndfile in /usr/local ?
I have libsndfile0 0.0.26-1.1 that comes with woody, but I installed
myself libsndfile-1.0.1 in /usr/local , and I made a symlink of
/usr/local/lib/pkg-config/sndfile.pc to /usr/lib/pkg-config/ because the
configure script for ardour doesn't find it... (now stops when searching
Running ./configure for jack seems to find libsndfile > 1.0
Maybe the two versions are conflicting??
How do I check this?
Its possible to remove old libsndfile and install 1.0.1 in /usr instead of
/usr/local without breaking other apps? It can be done with dselect?