I tried measuring my latency with jdelay. Started in on the commandline,
first it said
Signal below threshold...
Then I connected it's input to the output of system:capture_1 with my
microphone connected and it output to the input of system:playback_1+2.
Now I get a squareish tone and when "singing" into the microphone I get
reading like these:
22442.483 Inv
58010.411 ??
43602.390 ?? Inv
43474.474 ?? Inv
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
Signal below threshold...
25549.731 ??
25549.731 ?? Inv
37749.225 ??
37749.225 ?? Inv
37749.225 ??
24653.357 ??
24653.228 ?? Inv
25677.165 ??
11013.134 ?? Inv
25677.153 ??
2821.046 ?? Inv
2821.046 ??
The man page says the values are in samples, so for instance a value of
37749.225 should be 0.77 seconds at 48000, right? This seems bogus
(qjackctl reports 10 ms).
What am I doing wrong?
http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk