Hi all,
I have some live concert recordings (some destined for LMA[1]) which
could use some processing in certain sections (usually to cut out crowd
noise and AC hum).
The recordings are hours long, but I only want to selectively process
some portions (often sections inbetween music).
So far, I've been writing scripts+makefiles to drive SoX. I use
the SoX "trim" effect to split out sections, process the sections
indivdually, and rejoin them (often with fade); but I'm wondering if
there's something similar for command-line users which already exists.
I've been considering writing a make-like tool, but would like know if
something existing fills the role. I haven't been able to find
information on using csound for mastering a few sections of audio, but
maybe that could work...
I don't like pointing devices, so it must be 100% keyboard-driven and
easily repeatable/version-controlled. I manage my current
scripts+makefiles via git.
[1] - Live Music Archive (on
Thanks for reading!