2013/1/19 Fons Adriaensen <fons(a)linuxaudio.org>rg>:
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 12:34:57AM +0100, Jaromír
Mikeš wrote:
Hi Fons,
If 'panning' means 'to create an apparent
source direction between
two (or more) speakers', then whatever you obtain by using such
small delays has nothing to do with the Haas effect.
Using small delays (< 0.6 ms) works well for headphones, as can
be expected - a real off-center source produces the same. It can
produce some spatial effects on a speaker system iff the speakers
are close to the listener, e.g. the typical multimedia pair sitting
besides a computer monitor. But it doesn't scale to larger setups
where most listeners can't be expected to be exactly on the center
Exactly! Using of this kind of "delay / Haas based panning" would
improve one big problem on larger setups.
70% of audience on larger setups are out-of-center and 20% percent are
so much out of center that they can't hear audio signal from more
distant speaker
(because of distance and maybe also because of angle).
If this kind of "delay / Haas based panning" would be used there would
be great mono compatibility.
I mean there is still all audio information in both (left and right)
PA speakers.
So very out-of-center listener still getting all audio information...
even mono ;)