Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
the problem still resides in jackd (bad) behavior to get stuck when it
tries to kick-out some client due to a probable timeout or even non-zero
process callback return value. haven't i told you before that it
suffices for a client process() callback to return a non-zero value to
let jackd crash itself? and there's a lot of jacks apps out there which
are still returning non-zero as a legal value, for self-shutdown for
instance. just let one of those get in or out from the jack graph and
kiss goodbye to your rock solid and stable jackd, bwaahahah :o)
this is happenning on jack svn for quite some time now (>= 0.105.x),
almost since early Spring'07 :)
As per Dave's advice I've changed the topic.
I posted a fix for this issue to the jack devel mailing list, and I'm
waiting for feedback. It solves these issues for me, so I guess you
could say that it's going to be fixed RSN. After positive feedback it
will be committed.
PS: apparently persistent subtle complaining on high-exposure lists does
pay of on the long run :). Thx to Rui for constantly raising the
priority of this issue. ;)
i've tested the patch and it does seem to solve the process callback
return value issue, in most scenarios that i've briefly tested. didn't
found any side effects.
however, it still fails with the very same behavior when the alsa
playback device is dmix based. but that might just be yet another can of
worms ;)
the patch looks good and i do testify for a recommendation.
Pieter, you're my hero ;)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela