2007/3/6, Leonard Ritter <contact(a)leonard-ritter.com>om>:
a friend claimed there was nothing better than native instruments guitar
rig 2, and i doubt that.
Certainly, I haven't heard anything better. I've owned Pod2.0,
PodXT+Modelpacks, Amplitube, and neither of them can touch GR2. Of course
this is my own perception :) All I know is that it nails every aspect of my
Mesa Dual Rectifier 100% even the 'touch' that the other modellers lack.
Can't tell about the other amps that it models but they sound pretty good
I'd love to see something that powerfull but libre.
"En cuestiones de cultura y de saber, sólo se pierde lo que se guarda; sólo
se gana lo que se da." - Antonio Machado