On 2009-11-29 12:37 +0100, Malte Steiner wrote:
Andre Majorel wrote:
Hello everyone. A few questions for any Mackie
control C4 owners
on the list.
Can it be configured without Mackie's "C4 commander" proggie ? And
is the configuration stored in a non-volatile RAM inside the C4 ?
Or does it have to be loaded from a computer every time the C4 is
powered on ?
not sure about that but I wrote a program to work the other way around
it, works with the standard setting:
Thanks, Malte. From the source of contrOSC, looks like the SYSEX
to write to the LCD is
F0 00 00 66 17 dn dc chr ... F7
- dn is the number of the display to write to (30 = top display ~
33 = bottom display),
- dc is the first character position to write to (supposedly 0 =
first character of top line ~ 109 = last character of bottom
- chr is the ASCII code of a character to write to the display.
Did Mackie document this ? Or did you reverse engineer it ?
André Majorel