On Friday 18 January 2013 13:38:07 Aaron L. wrote:
Cool. Thanks for the reply, Brett.
So, since the file I'll be doing the vocals over is a rough-mix whose
'start' and 'end' points will be different than the original tracks,
that mean that there will be some fiddling in terms of getting the new
vocal track to line up correctly with the original tracks? (Once it's back
in pro tools?)
I'm assuming so.
Are there any decent tricks one can use in order to make the fiddling
Perhaps these ideas will help:
My only concern is that since I won't be there for the final mixes, my
friend (the guy who's mixing) will just move things around until things
"feel right". As we all know, this can be a very subjective thing.
I'd like to make this as solid as possible so there's not a whole lot of
guessing going on.
Thanks again.
all the best,
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Brett McCoy <idragosani(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Aaron L. <elmastero74(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a rough mix of a band (stereo wav file) done in pro tools that
> > I'd like to do vocals over.
> >
> > I plan on importing that file into Ardour, doing vocals and then
> exporting
> > the vocal track out to send to my friend to mix.
> >
> > I've done this before with a Mac and Digital Performer but I'd rather
> not do
> > that again.
> >
> > If the sample rates are similar, do I have anything to worry about in
> terms
> > of jitter or other digital oddities when I give the vocal.wav file back
> to
> > my friend?
> There shouldn't be any issues. I do this sort of thing all of the
> time, mixing multipel tracks from different studios using different
> DAWs. AATranslator works very well, too, if you need to convert entire
> PT sessions for Ardour.
> --
> Brett W. McCoy --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
> it would overturn the world."
> -- Jelaleddin Rumi