We are glad to announce the release of the chdh dvd:
video / data dvd by chdh
arcadi / artkillart
AKA 04 – 2008
vivarium is a work based on a symbiosis between sound and image where chdh creates a
single, cold but organic universe. Each video track of vivarium is composed around a
single audiovisual instrument, evolving from passivity to life, instability and mutation,
in a slow and hypnotic time.
This double side dvd contains:
- side 1 for dvd player containing the video pieces.
- side 2 for computer containing infos, better quality videos and software used and
developed for this project.
vivarium is now available for sale and free download.
more infos :
buy the DVD :
download the data dvd layer via bittorrent:
vivarium was made using free tools : linux / Pure-data / open time line / ffmpeg ...
cyrille henry et nicolas montgermont