Am Mon, 28. Dec 2009 um 07:24:24 -0500 schrieb lanas:
Hi "lanas",
From this it is obvious that the application layer
helps a lot
in promoting xruns. It is safe to assume that Qarecord is a
quick hack. But, there's seemingly a big difference in
application design regarding the handling of audio/jack stuff
between Qarecord and Ardour since one produces a festival of
xruns and the other none.
as far as I understood your experiment, you compared these two setups to
conclude "QARecord is to blame":
1) noise -> jackmix -> QARecord -> wav-file
2) noise -> Ardour -> wav-file
For mathematical reasons I would like to get your result from this
alternative setup (also giving better access to a root cause):
3) noise -> jackmix -> Ardour -> wav-file
Some other interesting information would be, what program versions
(jackmix, QARecord) are you using?