I've got a one-year-old Shuttle SB51G, loaded with a Terratec EWX 24/96
"ice1712" soundcard and a Gygabyte Radeon 9000 Pro 128 MB video card (just for
the facts...), running Fedora Core 1 / Planet CCRMA successfully. Getting circa
11 ms of latency with Jack set (untweaked) at 256 frames per period and 2
periods per buffer.
While adding an PCI soundcard seems quite natural to make music on these boxes,
why not add a RAM-loaded AGP video card too then?
My tip: don't go for the hypest nForce2 models of the Shuttle series, buy a
cheaper (or older) one, whose chipsets are known compliant with Linux, disable
the video chipset, and invest the gained price difference on an entry 3D video
card with built-in RAM!
If you're not heavily onto games, don't make the same mistake as I did: get a
fan-less video card! (Or disconnect it at your own risk...)