>Everyone has facilities to read plain text and
BTW... if you write the docs, I can do the html. I know people always
say "it's not big deal because html is so basic". But I took a course on
it and there *are* hints that make a page load faster (and other
important things). There are tecniques that most people don't know about
and aren't obvious or "common sense". I created a web page of my
sister's wedding and (one) of the comments I got (a lot) was "the thing
loads so fast".
I'm not familiar with the O'Reilly book that Dave mentioned, but I was
so impressed with "HTML For The World Wide Web" (Elizabeth Castro) that
I showed it to a couple of the students in the Web Site Management class
and they ditched the book the instructors gave us. It is the best manual
in *any* topic I've ever had. It is truely a "reference manual" in the
actual spirit of the idea of a reference manual. Once you read it, you
can *actually* go to the page on a particual part and never have to
cross reference another page.
BTW... It's a book on HTML 4.0. There's probly many more advanced
meathods of creating a page now. But I prefer HTML 4.0 because it's
basic and all browers understand it. Some browers are old or just
haven't caught up with the newer meathods.