Steve Harris wrote:
On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 05:55:35PM +0900, Patrick
Shirkey wrote:
Can you elaborate more on how and why you use
sim->lowpass on the end" to create a more warm sound?
Thanks. BTW. I think it would be a very good addition for the LAU FAQ so
I'll add this as it comes to light.
Well, the why is easy.
The fisrt lowpass pages away some of hte higher harmonics, his most make
it sound smoother and makes the next step sound OK. The valve sim adds in
some harmonics of the lower frequencies and the final lowpass smooths out
some of the highs from the valve.
Although... I'm now coming round the the point of view that I should just
produce more self contained plugins, but I need inforamtion on what
plugins you think need softening, so any feedback is welcome.
What about making a new plugin called eg. Analog glow, which is simply
the "lowpass->valve sim->lowpass" combination. That could save you some
time and be more universally applicable.
I would like to do this myself and will probably look into it if you
don't have the time or interest. Although after my last attempt I think
it may take a while for me to get things working properly.
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
For the discerning hardware connoisseur
Http:// - The Linux Audio Users guide
Being on stage with the band in front of crowds shouting, "Get off! No!
We want normal music!", I think that was more like acting than anything
I've ever done.
Goldie, 8 Nov, 2002
The Scotsman