On 05/27/2012 07:33 PM, Victor A. Stoichita wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm planing to make a gamelan soundfont to use with linuxsampler.
Nothing really complicated: 1 sample per key, no sustain loops, some
keys use 2 velocity layers.
I hesitate between GIG and SFZ format. Do they have different
possibilities, or are they just two ways to do the same things?
Also, what would be the workflow to create an SFZ file on linux?
Cheers to all,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
there's a gui editor for .gig.. sfz you edit by hand, once you get to
know sfz it, with a simple plaintext editor, is far superior than a gui
could ever be.. There is however a gui for windows that works in wine
called sfZed, it has a way of putting lots of rowchanges in the .sfz
file tho so the files have several times more lines than one edited by
hand.. makes it a pain in the butt to read/customize..