On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo
<mle+la(a)mega-nerd.com> wrote:
I used to use the 64 bit Adobe flash plugin, but
when they yanked
it, I started using Gnash (version 0.8.8 in Debian Testing).
The Gnash plugin works for Youtube (one of the main valid uses
for Flash) but doesn't work with Vimeo and a couple of others.
Hmm ... does it work on this:
I think flash's days are numbered. Once HTML5 video usage gets
standardized, and perhaps even before (due to proliferation of
flash-incompatible handhelds/tablets/etc), there will be almost no
reason to be using flash for watching streaming media.
To bridge the gap, there are a variety of "compatibility layers" that
will display in HTML5, if capable, otherwise, dropping back to using
flash, such as:
Chrome browser has it bundled/embedded. I don't have any major issues with
adobe flash on my 64 bit machines in chrome or firefox.
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.