Lars Luthman wrote:
On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 12:38 +0100, Cesare Marilungo
There's a newer version of the track:
(28min, 27Mb)
MIDI from PureData->ZynAddSubFx -> jack_capture -> oggenc -q5
I would really really like to receive some feedback especially from
those interested in the generative technique. Even negative.
I like it. And I _am_ interested (more in the algorithms used than the
PD implementation though, I've never really learnt PD).
Each part (they're ten, one for each instrument) has a n/m chances to be
triggered every n seconds.
When a part is triggered it starts a metronome of n bps that - at every
beat - choose a random note from a list (some notes are repeated to have
more chances to be picked), but each note has also n/m chances to be played.
That's all.
So, part of the copyright of the *improvisation* is owned by those who
wrote the algorithm for generating random values. :-) Luckily, I guess
mine has been written by the gnu folks.
And some negative feedback: set the Content-Type to
Firefox doesn't understand that it's supposed to open text/plain files
in XMMS.
The easiest way (if you're using Apache) is to add a .htaccess file in
the directory containing the Ogg file with this line in it:
AddType application/ogg ogg
Are you sure the fault is not on your side? My website is hosted by a
commercial provider. I believe their apache is already configured and in
fact I can succesfully download an ogg file from my own website using
firefox and get it recognized as an ogg audio file.
Let me know, otherwise I'll add the line to my home directory .htaccess.