Hey Jeanette,
I'm always impressed with the things you do, and I can't believe you
modeled this with csound, it's really impressive. It sounds really nice
and I guarantee a lot of people won't even realize things in this are
modeled. One day, you'll have to teach me how you do these cool models,
if you have time.
Brandon Hale
On 4/4/24 16:13, Jeanette C. wrote:
Hey hey,
new music:
It's an improvised piece, sounding a bit latin American. All
instruments are physically modelled or physically informed, real
instruments that might be, put into a nice 3d room, so best put your
headphones on.
The piece was recorded/performed in MIDI, bounced to audio using some
of my Csound instruments and then processed through a virtual 3d room
in Csound with a bit of EQ and compression at the end.
Hope you enjoy it!
Best wishes,