On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 09:51:13PM +0400, alex stone wrote:
On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 6:36 PM, alex stone
<compose59(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Joel Roth <joelz(a)pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 04:52:38PM +0400, alex stone wrote:
>>> I get the following error when attempting to start nama:
>>> illegal return value, stopped at
>>> /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.12.2/Audio/Nama.pm line 1421.
>>> The app then stops.
>>> For those using this (and this is my first time), is this a regular
>>> error, or am i deep in the swamp with the alligators circling, so to
>>> speak?
>> Hi Alex,
>> That (admittedly cryptic) message means that
>> Nama sent a command to Ecasound using the Ecasound's Net-ECI
>> interface, and got a return value other than 256.
>> I don't know much about it, except that it has happened
>> before. The alligators usually swim off. :-)
>> To help me understand your environment can I ask:
>> - what OS version are you using?
>> - how did you install Nama?
>> - how did you install Ecasound?
>> Here are some things to try:
>> 1) Start Nama with the -D (debugging info) flag.
>> You'll see what was sent and what came back before Nama
>> decided to fall on its sword.
>> 2) Start Ecasound in server mode in a separate terminal with debugging
>> turned on:
>> ecasound -K -ddd --server
>> Then start Nama again. This will enable you to observe what
>> happens in Ecasound.
>> 3) Install Audio::Ecasound to provide an alternative
>> interface to Net-ECI.
>> cpan Audio::Ecasound
>> -OR-
>> apt-get install libaudio-ecasound-perl
>> (The package is available for Debian 'sid' but will install
>> on any Debian distribution.)
>> Note that Nama will always use Audio::Ecasound if available.
>> You will need to use the -n flag if you want to force it to
>> use Net-ECI.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Joel
>>> Alex.
> Joel, i'm well and truly lost here, (first time using perl,Cpan, etc)
> but here's the info:
> Ecasound 2.6.0 installed from an ebuild in Gentoo. (64bit)
> I tried nama from cpan, removed it (with the
intent of trying again),
> then after the 2nd try it told me nama was up to date. Good to know,
> but how do i then install it from there? first time (obviously) it
> installed the app automatically. 2nd time, well, the alligators are
> laughing their heads off at my ineptitude.....
> I assume from this, there's a nama module on my system somewhere that
> i have to somehow bring to life.
Yes, in /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.12.2/Audio/Nama.pm
according to your error message above.
(And also the stuff in /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.12.2/Audio/Nama/)
> Alex.
> p.s. On the nama site it says i can install cpan
> audio::ecasound::multitrack (presumably a clever way to install nama),
> but when i try, it tells me the module is not in the repo. Have i
> misunderstood this? And is the version up to date?
A::E::M is an old name for the module...
Your version is up-to-date (at least relative to CPAN).
Does Nama crash repeatedly? If so, I'm happy to have an
opportunity to understand this problem better.
I suggest you try:
$ nama -D
This will show a lot of debug information. The last
thing you see spit out to the terminal before Nama crashes
may be useful :-)
Please let me know what happens!
Next, as a workaround, try installing Audio::Ecasound, the same way
you installed Nama.
$ cpan Audio::Ecasound
Joel, i've got the docs open, so i'll learn a
bit about basic cpan
commands, and see what happens from there.
You shouldn't need to know much to use the cpan client, but
of course, more knowledge helps -- sometimes just to
make bigger, better mistakes. :-) :-)
Joel Roth