Hello. I got following when I used mpg321 (/usr/bin/mpg123) on
file "www.modular2003.com/sounds/DirectHammond.mp3":
Title : Lazy (excerpt) Artist: Deep Purple
Album : Year : 2001
Comment: 100No such file or directoryade with Csoun softsynth
Genre : Hard Rock
What is that "100No such file or directory"??!! The end of mp3 file
looks following:
TAGLazy (excerpt)
Deep Purple
2001100% made with Csoun softsynthO
For what that feature can be used? Are my own files in danger?
mpg123 gives following version numbers:
mpg321 version 0.2.9. Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Joe Drew.
Version 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.