On Thu, 20 Oct 2016 15:50:36 -0400, jonetsu wrote:
On Thu, 20 Oct 2016 19:38:30 +0000 Fons Adriaensen
On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 02:44:39PM -0400, jonetsu
There are trim pots on every channel strip in
Mixbus, for
Ardour has them as well. They were added IIRC after I complained
about the limited (+6dB) gain available on the faders.
There are other uses: they allow you to align a group of related
faders (as a visual aid), or in cases where you need to fade in
and out frequently (as in broadcasting) to have a standard 'target'
fader position.
Certainly. They have several uses.
Yes, but it won't help you too look better, since it's unrelated to the
topic. The standard target position mentioned by Fons, for example is
required, if you pair/group faders on analog mixers by a bridge. Using
a virtual mixer it could be a visual aid, but you perhaps could link
faders, even if they are on different positions, resp. simply add a sub
group. Trim pots per se are seldom useful for mixing and especially not
in context of this thread. Trim pots linked by networks with AI
analysers is absurd.
If you want to develop an idea, you should start with realistic common