Christoph Eckert hat gesagt: // Christoph Eckert wrote:
Frank Barknechts Tastatur gab folgendes zu Protokoll
;-) :
It is true. USB1 can do up do 8 channels of
I can't belive that. When I watch my USB camera transferring
pictures to my notebook, I'd never expect to be able to
transport 8 channels simultaneously to the box.
Yes, it's really true. ;)
Thanks a lot for your hints. I'll have a look (I
already have
seen that there are lots of USB cards out there), and as soon
I have found one I'd politely ask you if you can tell me
something about it, if you agree ;-) .
Yes, of course. One thing to consider is: USB 1.1 already is a bit
dated. Personally I wouldn't spend too much money on a
USB-1.1-soundcard anymore, that's why I went with the cheap Terratec
card. I never ran a USB2 soundcard, but IIRC ALSA has support for them
in kernel 2.6. and USB2 is better suited for audio, I suppose, if
alone for the even higher bandwidth.
I still run a USB1 card, because my laptop doesn't have a USB2 port,
otherwise I would probably look into those cards. But then, my el
cheapo Terratec card works very fine and so I don't really need an
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__