mpd is in the main portage tree.
* media-sound/mpd
Available versions: 0.17.6 ~0.18.8 ~0.18.9 {adplug +alsa ao
audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug faad +ffmpeg +fifo flac fluidsynth gme
+id3tag inotify ipv6 jack lame lastfmradio libmpdclient libsamplerate
+mad mikmod mms modplug mpg123 musepack +network ogg openal opus oss
pipe pulseaudio recorder sid sndfile soundcloud soup sqlite systemd tcpd
twolame unicode vorbis wavpack wildmidi zeroconf zip}
Description: The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
this overlay is looking a little dusty, are you sure you still need this
> Can I contact someone in charge of the Gentoo mpd
overlay here? If
> not, any idea where to do so?
> I'm running into this:
> - Grant