Hi Christoph,
Am 2006-02-20 21:53:33, schrieb Christoph Eckert:
Concerning audio apps, we have seen so many
improvements during the last
three years that I want to ask you: What are you missing?
A new version of Rosegarden which does not force me, to install 86 MB
of KDE-B...S... I hate KDE and GNOME. Thesae are gadgets and nothing
more. Hardly to maintain and stop me from productiv works.
I was switching 03/1999 from MS Windows to Debian GNU/Linux from one
day to another. Yes it was THE HELL!!! No real documentation and not
realy much software, but Netscape and StarOffice and my lovely fvwm
went working fine...
Now, around 7 years later I have around 99% off all programs I need
to do my Job as PMC (Private Military Contractor) in France.
And yes, good Audiotools are neccesary for mee too.
Michelle Konzack
Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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