On 19/07/10 08:33, Arnold Krille wrote:
On Monday 19 July 2010 08:57:45 Andrew Bryant
I think this must be a quirk of the hardware:
onboard Intel
Look at alsamixer(gui), did you select the line-jack for recording?
These cheap chips have only a stereo-input. What you record with them is
selected via the mixer.
Ah, now I understand. After a lifetime of analogue mixers
I find
soundcards a bit, let's say, unusual.
Think of the soundcards (analogue!) mixer as two mixers: one for playback and
one for recording. One snitch with the recording-mixer: while several level
controls for the various sources exist, most soundcards select one source and
only record from that one. So its less like a mixer and more ĺike a patchbay
with gain-control.
Have fun,