Hi Jos,
There are numerous options but have a look at
http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/. It
works. I think you'll find what want.
--- Jos Laake <jos(a)radiks.net> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm a lifelong musician turned geek who is now
returning to the music
arena. I'm not new to technical issues. My day job
until recently was
working on real-time Linux for Sony, so I know my
way around a Linux
system fairly well. The music part I've got down.
But music
technology, well, the last time I recorded anything
was on a Tascam
4-track reel-to-reel and, whoa! Things have
changed! And I'm gonna
need some help getting up to speed with all this
cutting edge digital
audio stuff available today.
As an avid open source supporter, I intend to use a
Linux box as a
multitrack digital studio to help me bring 20 years
of sidetracked
musical talent back to life.
But so far I've had nothing but trouble so I went
looking for help and
ended up here. So here's what I've got...
On my main machine, I'm using RedHat 9 (kernel
version = 2.4.20-6) on a
little cube Pentium4 machine (Ice Cube). The audio
module that RedHat
came up with at configuration is: 'i810-audio'
I'm also working with an old Gateway dual Pentium II
runing RedHat 9
with SMP (kernel version = 2.4.20-6SMP) and this one
is using a Creative
Labs SoundBlaster MP3+ USB Audio unit. It comes up
with an audio module
called 'audio'. (I'd like to set this up for my son
who is a budding
I was thinking about using the latest ALSA drivers
(1.0.4) and Audacity,
but, first thing first. I'm having trouble getting
the ALSA drivers
First question: Is this the best way to go? I
mean, I want to do pro
or near-pro quality audio, but I don't want to spend
boatloads on sound
cards without knowing there's good open source
software to use.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Jos Laake
Santa Cruz, CA
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