Some folks on have started doing what I consider to be a very useful and helpful
thing: they are posting screencasts of them doing their audio work.
I find it very educational to see their workflow, how they compose, and how they navigate
through their sequencers, synths, and DAWs.
It might be helpful to other Linux audio users if some folks could post screencaptures of
them navigating through Ardour, Rosegarden, Muse, Seq24, CheeseTracker, or whatever. It
also might be helpful to the developers of Linux audio programs to see the steps the users
take and where the workflow or presentation might be improved or streamlined.
Also, what screen capture program do you recommend for linux? One that will support JACK
and capture the alsa_pcm output sync'ed to the screen capture? I haven't been
doing much studio work lately (it's all been live stuff) but I might have a go at this
sometime too.
By the way, I assert(Vimeo > YouTube). Vimeo videos are easier to download, the quality
is MUCH higher, and the A/V sync is much better.