Le Wed, 17 Jan 2007 12:10:59 -0800,
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando(a)ccrma.Stanford.EDU> a écrit :
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 13:34 +0000, BJaY wrote:
> linux
> sampler crashes as soon is I try to play a note (linuxsampler -
> 0.4.0, qsampler 0.1.3).
It is actually dying on my as well, sigh.
I read your note, so I decided to give it a try. I already got linux
sampler but did not have qsampler, so I just got it using kyum. I
started qsampler, made the connection in jack, and loaded a
GrandPiano.gig that I got some time ago and played using an Axiom25
keyboard. Seems to be all OK, at least for a few minutes - did not try
linux sampler: 0.4.0-1.fc6.ccrma x86_64
qsampler: 0.1.3-3.fc6.ccrma x86_64
Probably the problem was not happening in x86_64, i386 definitely dies
with the 0.4.0-1 package.
The problem was that I was building with an old switch ("--disable-asm")
and that was actually _enabling_ asm support (go figure...), that led to
the wrong synthesis type being enabled (bit 0x20 being "on") and
linuxsampler quitting when it could not make sense of that.
New packages are available now, at least they do work on i386 (did not
try on x86_64 this time - no machine to test it on right now)...
-- Fernando