On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:44:42 +0000
studio64 <fsmith(a)walescomputers.co.uk> wrote:
HI All
Is there a Linux way of recording sound from a club or pub/bar using a
real time analyzer
and then getting an average DB level reading?
I would then need to take another reading later and compare the two.
In the UK there is a lot of new legislation re sound levels from bars
and clubs
and I would like to offer a service to show them the levels they are
putting out.
I would need some way of printing the levels out in a document.
This will show that if the clubs has a certain sound level on the dance
floor it can't be above a certain level at the street.
75db in the club may read only 65db in the street, meaning they are not
causing a noise problem.
I'm using 64studio/Ardour/Jamin at the moment on debian, but have also
use the planet on Redhat/Fedora.
I'm sure its all in here somewhere I just need to know what to learn.
Getting reliable field sound level measurements is a notoriously
difficult task. I do not envy you.
Making assumptions about transmission attenuation through walls etc. is
even more fraught.
One of the most unbelievable variables is the number of people in the
space, the clothes they are wearing and where they are standing! Not
only does this affect absorbtion but also standing wave
characteristics etc.
I wish you luck!