On Monday 09 Tamuz 5771 13:11:07 Clemens Ladisch wrote:
David Baron wrote:
Running straight alsa going to the built-in
intel/realtek only plays
HDA does not support mono.
Amixer shows everything as "mono"
This just means that these mixer controls have only one value.
Not a matter of supporting it. This is what I get. One channel. There is no
"mono" checkbox in any of the GUI for alsa for this chipset. The problem is
getting both channels playing and this makes no difference whether the play is
on the bus or from the line!
If I set jack
(using qjackctl) to play to the Lexicon HW:1, it still
plays throught the built-in (HW:0) and this still in mono!
Do "aplay -D plughw:0 something" and "... plughw:1 ..." work?
-D HW:1 works through the Lexicon, but a very low level.
-D HW:0 works but at wrong sample rate, i.e. playing a 44.1 wav but at 48k.
Interesting effect anyway.