Hello all,
I forgot to post this here before I went live: I participated in another
2 Hour Album Challenge <https://2hac.abstractionmusic.com/> today.
Follow the link if you are interested in participating, there is still
about 22 hours left to make a track. There aren't many Linux users, so
it is fun to represent what you can do on a different kind of system. It
involves live streaming your workflow and making a track in two hours.
The album sales get donated for charity to save kittens
I tried again to make a track using common music/incudine/lisp
(cm-incudine) as my note generator/sequencer, and renoise as my rack of
instruments. This time, I experimented with sequencing the track with
incudine's AT function.
Feel free to watch and let me know what you think:
https://youtu.be/_3W-K84412U <https://youtu.be/_3W-K84412U>
Thanks and I hope you enjoy it,
Brandon Hale