Brian Redfern wrote on Tue, 19-Nov-2002:
That's good to know, as i was about to needlessly
drop a ton of $$. Part
of the problem is finding both the pre-emptive and low latency scripts for
the particular kernel I'm using (2.4.19), I can find the low latency, and
the 2.5.44 dev kernel comes with prempt built in, but I can't find a
pre-empt kernel patch for 2.4.19, so while I can get decent latency
running things as root, everything is not running as well as it could.
The sense I've been getting from the emails over the past 2
months is that 2.4.19 with LL and/or preemptive just isn't performing
as well as, say, 2.4.18 LL/PE. I have no numbers or proof, just seems
like the trend. Might be worth stepping back to 2.4.18 to try
out for yourself, unless you can't for other reasons.