On Monday 01 February 2010 11:11:21 Atte André Jensen wrote:
Arnold Krille wrote:
Atte, please! You can compile sources by hand and
don't know how to do
"update-alteratives --help"? Or even running "update-alternatives"
without anything to get the same help-text?
Yes, I do, but I've always feared
what happened if I just did what I
thought might be the right thing. For some reason I always had "this
thing" with building QT-apps, and I rarely use update-alternatives
anymore, call my lazy or lucky :-)
So I was hoping you could show me the correct one liner to get me
started. My guess is:
sudo update-alternatives --set qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt4
I felt a little adventurous (maybe due to your "please"), so I went
ahead and tried with my fingers crossed, and now VocProc builds :-)
Am I right to asume that the only things my update-alternatives command
did was change the symlink in /etc/alternatives/qmake to point to
usr/bin/qmake-qt4 touching *no other* files on my system?
Yep, update-alternatives only does changes in /etc/alternatives. It doesn't
even mess around with stuff in /usr, which in case of alternatives is just
links to /etc/alternatives. Meaning if you have virtual or disk-less machines
that use the same root-directory from a server, all can have their own
alternatives set (because the /etc directory should be writeable and custom to
each installation).
Instead of "--set" you could also have used "--config" which presents
you with
a nice list of the available alternatives and lets you choose one (or go on
with the current)...
Have fun,