On 14-09-05 05:28 AM, Max wrote:
What I tried too, is Geary Mail. It hasn't been
mentioned here. I
found that is is really nice but not quite mature. It seems to have
more momentum then Thunderbird though, and may become an alternative
for those who don't want to go mutt.
+1 to at least giving Geary a try.
I've only taken it for a test run, but it seems to be headed in an interesting
direction if you'd
like a more Gmail-oriented conversations approach, but in a desktop IMAP client.
(Personally, I'm
still a fan of IceDove/Thunderbird).
Geary isn't mature yet, but it's a project of the Yorba Foundation (i.e. known for
Shotwell), so it
seems like there's some momentum, unlike Thunderbird/IceDove which is basically in
indefinite LTS
mode from Mozilla.