On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 23:16:26 +0100, motorhammer
<motorhammer(a)bluewin.ch> wrote:
Thanks a lot for your replies.
Now Jack works fine with Real Time priority. I tested it with Rosegarden,
Hydrogen and a midi keyboard.
Just for the tip, when using Suse (may work on other distro...I don't know)
instead of "installing" LSM, just install the package "rtstools". This
root to set priority on a running application throught its PID process.
The "SUSE LINUX – User Guide" explain how to use it. It's in chapter
"Buffering and Latencies".
Ok, jack run fine, but not jack_fst.
When I run jack_fst as a user, it returns me these errors:
-:58: error: unexpected character `{', expected character `}'
-:58: error: unexpected character `{', expected character `}'
And when I run it as root, it returns me no errors, but the kernel crash
completely ! The VST gui start fine, and then the system crash. I can just
move the mouse. No errors are returned.
After rebooting, I'm must restart my sound system throught YAST (Suse control
panel) to have sound. So It seems to be in relation with sound drivers......I
don't know--
Any idea ?
(Sorry for my bad english !)
No ideas on your problems. I have not seen these myself.
Good luck. I think someone else here will probably be able to help.
Probably one of the Jack developers will have an idea.
Did you install the "rtstools" package after you compiled jack_fst ? Or
to follow that line of thinking, did you change anything else after
compiling jack_fst or fst?