Great record, but of course most everything they did was.
Saw Skunk Baxter mentioned in the San Jose Merc 'People' section (page
2 - front section) this morning. Apparently his day job these days is
as a 'Intelligence Technology Consultant', but he plays nights in a 5
man band called C.J.T.F. (Combined Joint Task Force) that also
employees 2 ambassadors (U.S.->Russia & Hungary->U.S.) as well as an
Assistant Secretary of State and a U.S. analyst on North Korea. The
newspaper says the were 'declared great' by Tommy Ramone.
I guess if you're in the Washington D.C. area (Jesse?) you should try
to catch these guys.
- Mark
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 02:06:42 -0500, Lee Revell <rlrevell(a)> wrote:
OK, with all the 'common linux audio layer'
stuff, this list is getting
I advise everyone to listen to 'Countdown to Ecstasy' ASAP. I hadn't
heard it in a while, and after doing so I have to say it's guaranteed to
blow your freaking mind. It's one of the all time guitar records, Jeff
Baxter and Denny Dias, holy shit. And the production, there are so many
brilliant subtle things going on... wow. It's an inspiration to us all.