On Thursday 27 November 2008 18:35:52
simone-www.io-lab.org wrote:
arduino is a bit slow but if you need only a few pots to tweak
parameters building up a song it may be ok.
I wouldn t advise it if you need something for live acts with sensors,
or you are going to multiplex the analog inputs.
I didn't really encounter much problems streaming data from it.
You can slim down the serial protocol the Arduino sends out quite a bit and
speed up the baudrate too.
It can be pretty fast that way.
For a quick, darn cheap and easy (and high resolution:
10bit) little
device i ve built a couple of these:
these ones send HID protocol to USB, very fast and 10bit resolution, 8
analog ins and 6 digital ins.
HID adds to the protocol transmitted.
Resolution is the same as the Arduino can be (10bit). Same amount of I/O
The Create USB Interface can be built for about 15 euro in parts (without a
custom made PCB), also does USB HID, and gives you 13 analog in at 10 bit,
and a whole lot more digitial I/O. It's based on the PIC, and you can choose
to program in C or ASM. I'm not sure the open source PIC tools are yet up to
the chip used though. That might be a drawback.
If you want an overview of what's out on the market... take a look at