Thanks for the responses everyone!
On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 15:06, Tommi Sakari Uimonen wrote:
Do you hear the same noise with headphones in the
Sound Blaster card and
all other outputs/inputs disconnected from all cards?
No!! The noise goes away completely (and I get good signal levels)! Cool.
I suggest that you take your electricity for the
computer and amplifier
and all that get's physically connected to them from one grounded outlet.
And beware if you have antennas connected to the system, they give ground
loop humming also.
I tried putting everything on the same power strip and I still get the
noise. I have a mixer and an amplifier that the signal is going
through, and I get the same noise going:
computer -> mixer -> headphones
computer -> amp -> speakers
as I get going
computer -> mixer -> amp -> speakers
On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 15:35, Jesse Chappell wrote:
Joshua Haberman wrote on Thu, 16-Oct-2003:
This is a little off-topic, but I hope you
don't mind. I get quite a
lot of noise from my soundcard. There is a pulsing that sounds
something like a very fast morse code at a consistent pitch, and it's
unacceptably loud. I notice variations in this noise based on how I
move my mouse.
It appears to be system load based, it might be an internal voltage
interaction when your CPU goes from idle to active. I've seen
this before..... try to run this at a bash prompt:
while true; do yes > /dev/null ; done
This takes away a large part of the noise. There is still some noise
that sounds different, and I can still hear my mouse move. When I move
my mouse vigorously, it starts sounding closer to what it sounds like
when that shell script is not running.